
New From Keith Olbermann: Donald Trump Is Aiding the Enemy

KGxvi2/01/2017 5:17:41 pm PST

re: #165 HappyWarrior

You said Hewitt was a decent guy too I believe. You knwo what’s funny. I know two people who are definitely not like minded with Tucker Carlson who insist he’s actually a pretty nice guy off camera. Some people you just can’t tell with. FWIW one of my favorite professors in community college, my international relations professor was a huge hawk on FP but very personable and wrote me a letter of recommendation when I transfered to GMU. I always appreciated that about her.

I also had Tim Canova as a professor. He’s the guy that primaried DWS. He was a good guy too.

I think it might have something to do with being lawyers. We have the ability to separate our work from personal. I can argue points of law and policy with you all day, and we might not agree, but we can still grab a pizza and pitcher of beer afterwards. Sadly, I feel like that’s something that we are losing as a society. And we are probably going to be worse off because of it