
New From Seth Meyers: Impeachment Managers Make Powerful Case Against Trump to Open Trial

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·2/10/2021 3:08:37 am PST

Caution for disgusting descriptions of the allegations.

Former Trump and GOP Aide Charged With Distributing Child Porn (Daily Beast)

Hey DB? Itā€™s not ā€œchild porn.ā€ Itā€™s child exploitation material. Pornography is consensual and legal.

A former digital strategist for the Senate Republican Conference, who also worked for pro-life groups and designed social media ads for Donald Trumpā€™s re-election campaign, has been charged with distributing child pornography.

D.C. Metropolitan Police arrested Ruben A. Verastigui on Friday after an investigation revealed he allegedly ā€œdistributed, received, and possessed images of child pornographyā€ between March 2020 and February 2021. Jared Holt, resident fellow at the Atlantic Councilā€™s Digital Forensic Research Lab, first reported Verastiguiā€™s arrest on Twitter.

Verastigui, who posted a photo of himself at the White House just two months ago, worked for the Senate Republican Conference until July 2020, according to his LinkedIn. The investigation into his alleged offenses took place while he was still working for the GOP.

He had been working as a communications manager for a non-profit called Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions until Saturday. A spokesperson for the non-profit said: ā€œThe details of the allegations against Mr. Verastigui are tragic and shocking. He is no longer employed by the organization and we are prepared to fully cooperate with law enforcement requests in this matter to any extent needed.ā€

The Daily Beast was unable to reach Verastigui and a family member didnā€™t respond to a request for comment.

(more, gets disturbing from there)