
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Trumps on a Plane

Targetpractice3/11/2022 3:05:37 am PST

re: #178 Dr Lizardo

That’s an interesting point. And I have little doubt that Putin’s propagandists could spin that very easily. Make Putin the victim of bad intel.

Oooh, better yet….claim that the people who fed him the intel were “Western spies engaging in the promotion of disinformation to the leadership, thus sending Russia into a military trap in an attempt to weaken and/or destroy Russia”.

As for Putin’s nonsense before the invasion, that can be memory-holed easily enough.

In keeping with the theme so far, he may be reaching the point in the speed-run where the Kremlin started blaming the Army for the failures in Afghanistan in order to excuse themselves from the blame of ordering the boondoggle in the first place.