
The Bob Cesca Interview: Cliff Schecter Doesn't Stink

William Lewis1/04/2024 9:09:38 am PST

re: #159 danarchy

To each their own, I have been pretty impressed with the latest generation of mini’s as long as you aren’t opposed to going with a Ryzen processor. Beelink and Minisforum in particular are releasing some bangers.

The GTR 7 Pro is thoroughly modern, and aesthetics is in the eye of the beholder, but I like them, and the 780m is probably the most capable igpu ever.

Count me among those. Don’t get me wrong, I own a macbook, and I like it just fine, and I can accept the processor and memory being soldered on although I would prefer the memory not be, but the storage being soldered on to me feels like just a way to force obsolescence as fast as possible. I mean who wants to have to carry around external storage when you run out of space even if it is almost as fast as the internal drive. If something is going to fail it is likely to be the memory or storage in which case you have to shell out to replace the entire mainboard instead of just buying a new $50 nvme.

I prefer AMD to Intel & have for quite a while.

If I were looking right now, that would be tempting. Storage is way too low for me though so I’d have to add several TB of external storage (games, media (music, movies, photos, etc - I refuse to use the “cloud” stupidity) to make it usable. Otherwise it would be fine for me.