
'Proud Racist' Threatened to Blow Up Mosques

funky chicken5/02/2009 10:13:46 am PDT
Associated Press/April 27, 2005

Oklahoma City — A former member of a white supremacist group was convicted of federal charges of hurling a fire bomb at a synagogue, causing minor exterior damage.

Sean Gillespie, 21, of Spokane, Wash., was found guilty Tuesday of three bombing charges. He was being held without bail and faces a minimum of 35 years in prison.

Prosecutors showed jurors two videotapes, one from a surveillance camera at Temple B’Nai Israel that showed a person attacking the synagogue with a fire bomb on April 1, 2004.

Prosecutors say the other videotape, found in Gillespie’s truck, showed him plotting his attack. On it, he said: “I’m going to firebomb (the temple) with a Molotov cocktail. I will film it for your viewing enjoyment, my kindred. White power.”

Gillespie, a former member of the supremacist group Aryan Nations

Hey Idaho/eastern Washington, keep your g*damned neo-nazis to yourselves, OK?

The Aryan Nations is trying to make a comeback of sorts up in Idaho after some major setbacks courtesy of the US government. Hopefully the good guys will make sure that their comeback is short lived.