
Holder to Appoint Prosecutor for CIA Terror Investigations

~Fianna8/24/2009 12:28:43 pm PDT

re: #145 victor_yugo

Show me where our government actually deliberately targeted children, and I might give you some credibility.

And the French Revolution didn’t start with the guillotine, either. Stalin or Hussein didn’t start with mass executions. It’s not a fell-swoop thing, it’s something that we need to hold the line against.

I’m minded of Franklin’s response to the question about what kind of government we had: “A Republic - if you can keep it.” This is the kind of thing that starts making it harder to keep.

Where do we draw the line? Once this behavior starts getting the stamp of approval, it becomes easier and easier to extend. I’m sorry, I just can’t bring myself to trust any government with the power to start threatening people’s families. That road takes us to rape rooms.