
LGF Diavlog at New York Times

Decatur Deb1/05/2010 5:46:55 pm PST

re: #140 Kewalo

I think that gives them way too much credit and if we are afraid we are only doing exactly what they dream of…terrorizing us. It isn’t as if we haven’t faced adversity before. They don’t have armies or navies and can’t come here to bomb our cities like during WWII, that was a significant threat. It seems to me that if we can face down the Germans and Japanese then a few goat herders should be much easier.

And personally I find it hard to take someone seriously if they allow those terrorist to scare them.

Actually, terrorism fails utterly if you refuse to be terrified. (In a given year drunk drivers kill 3-5 times more Americans than all Jihadist attacks to date. Drunk drivers terrify me when my kids are on the road.)