
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

ausador3/04/2010 1:02:20 pm PST

re: #137 drcordell

Aceofwhat?, if you want to claim that you agree with the Roberts ruling, go right ahead. I certainly am not entitled to prevent you from having your opinion. But what you can’t do is try and claim that Roberts showed any form of restraint or conservatism when deciding the scope of what to examine in Citizens United vs. FEC.

I for one am looking forward to the new generation of political ads…

There are no where near enough unattributable and unaccountable attack ads on T.V. today so I’m very much looking forward to the 2010 election ads. This is going to be quite as hoot as hundreds of corporate ads join the regular ones and not limited to be “for” someone. Nope now they can be “against” them, make up shit, tell lies, stretch the truth, whatever you wish to call it.

The new legion of attack ads should be highly entertaining, but I’m not convinced that they are good for our democracy.