
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

sliv_the_eli9/21/2010 4:52:53 pm PDT

re: #173 Obdicut

OK, at least now we are clear on the terms of reference. We disagree, however, on whether the Dems could have gotten a couple of Repub votes if they really cared about the issue, rather than scoring political points. As I noted in #176, they don’t need more than one or two Repub votes. On issues that the Dem leadership cared about, they came up with a strategy to get the votes. They could, and should have done it here. When you can’t get Susan Collins to vote for repeal of DADT, you really haven’t tried very hard.

Under different circumstances, I would be willing to consider the possiblity that the repeal was attached to the defense appropriations bill to give cover to moderate Republicans. However, the proffered reason for Sen. Collins’ vote suggests this would not be an accurate assumption to make.

To conclude — gotta go put the kids to bed — I think we should all have a right today to be ashamed of our Senate. Rather than put an end at long last to the legalized discrimination against homosexuals in the military, they are all busy playing election politics. At least we can dream of a better day.

Thanks as always, to those who engaged in the debate today. TTFN.