
Rick Perry Would Have Persecuted Galileo

groovimus9/09/2011 2:27:42 pm PDT

Well this is a fine how-dee-do. If you look at the historical record on Galileo he went round and round with the pope on the question of geocentrism. Charles thinks that it was a long dragged out fight with persecutors. Well did you know that the college of cardinals was OK with heliocentrism? I bet not, since this would blow the straw man setup of ignorant men of faith. The pope was not convinced but gave Galileo the OK to publish, which he did and inserted into the volume insults to the pope. Big mistake. The pope then responded, and committed a bigger mistake, taking a man’s freedom, also as this now becomes the “story” repeated ad infinitum by materialists to “prove” the inherent irrationality of religion. Over all a sad, unfortunate playing out of egos. Now do you want a more recent episode of out-of-control ego ruling science? By necessity this involves “progressive” hiding of research implications. It happens a paper is on the way from CERN on a research program which proved that clouds in the upper atmosphere are seeded by cosmic rays. The impinging of cosmic rays into the upper atmosphere is modulated by the solar magnetic field; thus we have another mechanism to correct for the sun’s variation in radiative power flux. And guess what brothers — the researchers have been ordered from on high(scientific “popes”) not to “interpret” the results. Now what the heck does that mean? The only thing coming to mind is a muffling of speculation as to “AGW” since all of the “AGW” studies cited by “progressives” are now shown to be majorly inadequate, not having accounted for this new regulatory mechanism. Big black eye for scientific freedom at the hands of the true believers. Here are links to the news stories on this: