
Opponents of 'Stand Your Ground' Predicted Racially Motivated Killings

Rightwingconspirator3/22/2012 6:50:53 am PDT

re: #2 William Barnett-Lewis

The problem is, with guns in America, anyone can find anyone saying anything.

The real questions I have to ask is this - is self defense a right or not? If it is, how far can an individual go? Until this is clear we can not begin to debate the rest of the questions.

The old saying is that my right to swing my fist ends where it would intersect with your nose. How do we apply that idea to these circumstances?

Hello everyone,
Well I was out last night with my dad for dinner and drinks so I missed the thread.

I’m probably as strong an advocate for self defense rights as anyone this side of a compound in Idaho. //

Yes we have a right to defend ourselves. If we don’t the predators reign.
I do believe in “good cause good character” ccw. Not “shall issue”. I like “stand your ground” in your home, not out and about. This Florida law is a serial tragedy in the making. It has to go. In self defense it really matters who goes to who. In the case at hand we had a kid just going home and a killer after him for no good reason. Yesterday I argued for an interpretation of the law that would allow prosecution in this case.

Since I’m going to continue to advocate for self defense rights, I’m going to call in a favor at a legal firm I do some work for. I’d like to see if my reading could work to charge this guy, at least in theory.

BTW the accusation that this law was really about selling guns is bull. You still need a ccw to go out with a gun. If you have that, this law does not make you need another. If you have none, you have no ccw, and the law would just help you in a non gun confrontation. I just don’t see the mechanism that would sell guns in this instance to anyone that did not have or want one or more already.