
Video: Henri 2, Paw De Deux

Nyet4/16/2012 9:36:24 pm PDT

re: #178 Shvaughn

Actually it doesn’t. It talks about Hinduism’s reputation (which is an accurate statement) for religious tolerance, and it mentions one saying in Hinduism. Neither of those requires that Hinduism be monolithic in belief.

Of course it does, it requires it to be monolithic in religious tolerance and monolithic in acceptance of that saying.

Meanwhile, you have claimed that Christianity is a monolithic belief system. Can you justify this without trying to get me to support a straw man which I’ve never claimed?

No, I’m saying Christianity as a whole implicitly says that all other religions are wrong. And sure you can find rare outliers like Spong (whose concepts are unique, extreme and not representative of anything but his own opinion; frankly, he’s barely a Christian). That tells us nothing about what Christianity as a whole (with all its internal divisions) says.