
Health Care Mandate Upheld by Supreme Court

Kragar6/28/2012 11:37:41 am PDT

Tony Perkins chimes in

“Today’s Supreme Court decision will do serious harm to American families. Not only is the individual mandate a profound attack on our liberties, but it is only one section among hundreds of provisions in the law that will force taxpayers to fund abortions, violate their conscience rights, and impose a massive tax and debt burden on American families.

“The Obama administration has created, for the first time in American history, new federal regulations that toss aside the constitutional right to religious freedom by forcing religious institutions and employers to pay for abortion-causing drugs, contraceptives and sterilizations.

“It’s now time to replace those leaders who disregarded the constitutional limitations of their authority and the deeply held religious beliefs of their constituents, voting for the government takeover of healthcare. We must repeal this abortion-funding health care law and restore the Constitution to its rightful place,” concluded Perkins.

In the meantime, forcing taxpayers to fund teaching creationism in the classroom, fund huge defense contracts they might be morally opposed to, or giving billions to oil companies and banks in subsidies and bailouts are perfectly within the rights of the Government, so shut up and pay up.