
Watch Live: Hillbilly Night at the Values Voter Summit

Dark_Falcon9/26/2014 6:26:44 pm PDT

re: #164 William Barnett-Lewis

Checked wiki, just another Chicken Hawk with too many other things to do so other people’s kids will have to go off and die instead.

He’s not even a real hawk like Lindsey Graham. Like him or not, Graham can articulate reasons why a ISIS should be engaged and destroyed and can explain a course of action in a way that a sane person can follow (said sane person might not agree, but they’ll understand). For Doug Lamborn, a hawkish pose is just that: A pose. If PResident Obama agreed with his DERPs publicly, he’d promptly ‘blacktrack’* and crap out a new set of DERPs. It’s all just an excuse to hate on Barack Obama.

*: ‘Blacktrack’ is a term originated by Bill Maher.