
Gohmert! Gay Massages Will Destroy Our Military

Justanotherhuman10/22/2014 5:08:22 pm PDT

re: #179 BeachDem

Well, at least Bryan is into recycling. / He’s been using that Christian is the new black line since at least 2012.

In January 2013, AFA sent an email that said:

What will religion look like in the year 2060?

Conservative Christians will be treated as second class citizens, much like African Americans were prior to civil rights legislation in the 1960s…

Cities with a name from the Bible such as St. Petersburg, Bethlehem, etc. will be forced to change their name due to separation of church and state….

Yeah, Bryan has a rich fantasy life.

Yeah, I can see St. Petersburg, FL as Leningrad, can’t you? : )