
An Amazing Artist From Iceland: Asgeir - NPR Tiny Desk Concert

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/24/2014 7:47:21 am PDT

This story is an interesting one in itself:

Jewish Women’s Group Defies Rules to Pray at Wailing Wall

A Jewish women’s rights group smuggled a tiny 200-year-old holy scroll to Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall to pray on Friday, in contravention to the rules governing one of the holiest places in Judaism. “The rabbinical authority doesn’t want us there, they only want people who practice ultra-religious traditions to pray at the Wailing Wall,” said Shira Spure, a member of Women Of The Wall, which has been fighting for equal praying rights for 25 years. “This is ridiculous.”


But what caught my eye was the first comment on this NBC news blurb:

hjfromtx commented 15 minutes ago

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Socialist liberal NBC trying to find anything and everything they can to post….except for……mid term election pole numbers?

Teabonics in action?