
Some More News: If You Don't Want to Be Called a Fascist, Stop Supporting Donald Trump, a Fascist

mmmirele7/30/2018 6:40:25 pm PDT

I don’t normally post stuff from Fox News, but I believe strongly in what Sam Young is doing here in calling the Mormon church to account for one-on-one bishop interviews with youth that include questions like, “do you live the law of chastity?” These interviews start before a child’s eighth birthday and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the kids don’t know what the bishop is talking about and some bishops take it upon themselves to tell the kids exactly what is meant. And, as the kids get older, bishops ask more probing questions about whether the youth is keeping the law of chastity and that includes asking if they masturbate, if they have sex with other people and it can get an awful lot worse and more detailed.

The Mormon church is digging in its heels and wants to keep up this awful practice of having untrained men (we’re talking your average accountant or systems administrator called as bishop) asking these questions on at least a yearly basis. The fact is that a lot of kids are traumatized by these questions. Sam Young is across the street from Temple Square putting the Mormon church on the spot over this practice.

Here’s the Fox News link:

Here’s his website with the stories of children and youth: