
Trevor Noah on the Impressive Amount of Bullsh*t in Mike Pence's RNC Speech

Dangerman8/28/2020 2:07:29 pm PDT
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) said in a statement that he “fell short of his own standard,” by choosing not to wear a face mask at President Trump’s Republican convention acceptance speech, Axios reports.

The apology came after challenger Cal Cunningham put out this statement: “Tillis apparently sets a different standard for himself. He was captured maskless in Washington Thursday surrounded by nearly 1,000 other people, most of whom were also not wearing masks or social distancing, after posting a photo to Twitter wearing a mask.”

he didnt ‘choose
he was cowed, caved, showed no spine/guts/balls, etc
he went along because there’s safety in the herd. it’s dangerous to have yourself singled out.

then he got called on it