
Colbert: Russia's War Machine Slowed by Cheap Gear and Expired Rations

nines093/11/2022 4:25:21 pm PST

I get high blood pressure just smelling alcohol and seeing tile floors.
I will be 71 shortly and have had 3 cameras sightseeing the Hershey Highway.
My doc is the best.
I’m actually relaxed after my colon blow ride to the moon.
Just had my 3rd two weeks ago.
Only place I ever had a back of the hand IV put in where I felt no discomfort or bruising.
I am eternally thankful for his skill at not only being a fine doctor, but a man who cares about the staff around him.
This time there were no snips of anything that could be or was a concern.
You find a good doctor, hang on to them.