
MonoNeon / "Segreghetto" (Official Music Video)

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce5/25/2024 9:44:55 am PDT

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Every time I or one of my colleagues considers releasing a bit of programming for use by our clients, we first run it past a collection of in-house people who range from timid luddites to techno-lunatics and dare them to fuck it up as hard as they can (in the test environment, obvs) with no fear of repercussion. Depending on the importance of the project, the Please Try To Break It phase can last from weeks to months.

None of us are master coders or genius software architects. But I’ve been doing this sort of thing, to one degree or another, since about 1993. I thought testing for the worst-case scenario was just a thing you’re supposed to do.