
ABC's Stephanopoulos Violating Journalistic Ethics?

LGoPs2/04/2009 3:03:47 pm PST

re: #139 Guanxi88

There is no way on G-d’s good green earth that Soros is benefiting from this idiot man-child’s antics and the despicable behavior of his thugs, minions, and water-carriers. Soros? Show me how there’s a penny of profit in it, and maybe I’d buy into it.

All this assumes rational (if unreasonable) motives at work; if we consider psychopathology, then maybe, but you’d have to be so f*cking crazy to orchestrate this cluster that we’ve been seeing so far that you’d almost certainly have been institutionalized or living under a bridge somewhere before you got the chance to try it out.

No, I think the sad secret is that there’s nobody in charge; no one is minding the store.

There are a long series of exposes on Soros that are scary beyond belief. Here’s one of them:

I wouldn’t dismiss his influence lightly or his motivations to hurt America, regardless of the cost to him……..