
Canada's Science Minister: A Creationist?

Desert Dog3/18/2009 1:20:46 pm PDT

re: #163 allan5oh

Why do we have to ask? I’d rather not ask, and accept my family members mortality. It is much healthier that way.

All people get sudden religion when they need it….a dying person longs for solace….an unprepared student taking a final prayers for a miracle. What is wrong with believing is something greater than yourself? It is true? Is it real? It’s only as real or true as you make it.

Why do some people on this blog think that because a person is “religious” it automatically means they are some Creationist Crackpot? I’m not religious at all, but even I have some problems with the theory of evolution sometimes and I have many questions about how this planet, universe and galaxy all got here that science simply cannot answer at this time…does that make me an Atheist Creationist?

“When you talk to god, it’s called prayer. When god talks to you, it’s called schizophrenia.”