
UN Can't Wait to Prosecute Bush Officials

jcm4/24/2009 11:02:04 am PDT

re: #143 3 wood

I really don’t think so. I think there is a large group out there who truly don’t grasp how nasty the world is, and who are going to have to see us attacked again and again before they believe it. You can thank the MSM for a large part of that.

I hate to say it, but I think it will happen too.

This country been so safe, so successful, for so long too many have forgotten the effort it has taken to make this country safe and successful. They have forgotten the what it has taken to establish the security of the nation. The blood the cost and the effort to make us secure. The risk, effort and labor that has established the success of this country.

Our security and success is taken for granted, that it both are in some a natural thing. They have forgotten the past, forgotten security and success require enormous effort to attain and maintain.

In that forgetting they are willing to undo everything for “fundamental” change. They do not remember or realize than the change they want will change the very thing they take for granted, the security and success they so enjoy.