
A Reply to Power Line's Paul Mirengoff on Geert Wilders

Condor7/17/2009 4:33:39 pm PDT

A culture war can’t be a one-way street. Islam can’t be allowed freedom to build mosques and establish its own legal systems in the West for followers of Islam; while westerners can’t build churches and synagogues in Islamic lands.

Show me a church in Saudi Arabia; or a new church in Egypt, or Iran; and then I’ll say we will permit a mosque in Athens or Amsterdam.

As well, Wilders is popular perhaps because he is about the ONLY half-rational non fascist willing to confront the Islamification issue, and the fact that most Islamic immigrants are not assimilating.

This should be a standard issue which all politicians have to address. (Look how much is said about illegal immigration in the USA; yet those immigrants don’t threaten the dominant culture nearly as much as Islamic immigrants in Europe.)

Wilders would be marginalized ONLY if the “margins” are moved and the rest of Europe’s so-called political leaders willingly take on one of the most pressing problems they have, instead of trying to hide their heads in the sand and hope it goes away.