
Onion: Holyfield vs. Evening Dream

capitalist piglet7/29/2009 1:36:35 pm PDT

re: #141 ArchangelMichael

Whether I’m “much of a football fan” or not does not preclude me from having an opinion about whether an NFL player in his 40s whos goign down hill should have quit during one of the handful of times hes feigned retiring in the past.

If he didn’t do the:

I’m retiring… no i’m not
Now I’m retiring… PSYCHE
No I mean it this time… nope, Minnesota now…

dance, I’d have a little more respect for the guy. It’s rough watching a great one go down like that. I was pissed at Junior Seau for doing the same shit too.

I’m a lifelong Packer fan. I grew up in Wisconsin and was a child when Vince Lombardi was still coach. It gets in your blood. (Just explaining my basis for commenting. That, and I used to work for an ISP with its own sports page, and my focus was the NFL and MLB.)

I love Brett Favre, always will. I can see why the Vikings wanted him, as I think the season before last made a strong statement about his ability to still play the game at a high level - but I am so relieved that he is (keep your fingers crossed) finally exiting the stage, because I think his inability to walk away has really damaged his legacy, which should have been amazing. (And I followed closely what went down with Ted Thompson, so I know there is some blame there too.)

He has taped an ad for Sears, playing a guy who can’t make up his mind what kind of television he wants (as I understand it). When the other actor in the ad complains about people who just don’t know what they want, he reportedly replies with something like, “I know. I HATE that!”

It’s good that he can joke about it. He’s a funny guy, and that will go a long way toward restoring a lot of goodwill that has been lost.

I think your sentiment is one shared by a lot of people, and even among those inclined to like him. That should be a sign to him that he’s done the right thing by backing out now.