
New Tech: Nikon Digital Camera with Built-In Projector

realwest8/04/2009 10:32:56 pm PDT

re: #172 iceweasel
Yes BUT - why would such consults be necessary AT ALL if the end game wasn’t to get some folks - well, frankly, dead and no longer a drag on the healthcare system? I didn’ see ANYTHING in that bill (though Lord knows I tried but the damned thing is LONG!) that EXPLICITY PROVIDES that notwithstanding anything contained in Sec. 1233, any and all treatments deemed advisable by the patients DOCTOR will prevail.
I mean (other than the fact that I’ve paid WAY more into Soc. Sec and Medicare than I will ever live to use up) IF I turn out to be eligible for radiation therapy, I’d have a 90% chance of living 5 years or more. But to get there will cost considerable health care funds and I’m not ever gonna be considered a productive member of society.