
Louisiana Education Board Considers Sneaking Creationism Into Schools

Rightwingconspirator1/05/2010 4:11:16 pm PST

re: #39 Charles
Ah, got stuck on an important phone call so I’m late to respond.

Fair enough, your point is strongest I think in the context of fundamentalist Baptist and the like. Not pedantic at all really, given their recent extremes which of course depart from much of Christian tradition.

The Jewish tradition offered interesting perspectives on this when I asked around. I work for a Jewish family who are dear friends, and we talked about this at length. Their particular kids (one boy 11, one girl 16) separate religious lessons from science lessons. They learned to cope with the obvious conflict sensibly.

Adult orthodox Jews I have spoken to on this do the same, and tend to take the bible less literally in terms of cosmology than Baptist literalism. It’s a bit dicey for the Orthodoxy, not so much for Reformed and Conservative branches. If I may generalize, the Jewish population seems to not suffer from the conflict much if at all. Perhaps these good people have shown us how to Religion and science can co exist, with minimum friction.

Charles thanks for exposing these idiots who exploit religion and children for political gain. Our right to practice our religion need not conflict with educating our kids or ourselves.

I know there are more than a few Jewish Lizards here, have I got this right?