
Video: Sacking the Hack Attack, the Wrap

karmic_inquisitor6/25/2010 5:22:45 pm PDT

OT: Looks like Rolling Stone used “on background” quotes.

A senior military official tells ABC News that Rolling Stone broke journalistic ground rules established for the magazine’s profile of the general by publishing comments that occurred during what McChrystal’s aides thought were off-the-record sessions that would not be reported. The official said the magazine’s claim that there were no ground rules for the interview and profile was an “absurd statement.”

As I said earlier, I am glad to see McChrystal gone. But I had also posted that his “on background” statements had been published and thought I’d post this tidbit as follow up. Certainly there might have been guys under McChrystal who might have implied that it was OK to publish the other wise off limits stuff - there were many under McChrystal who wanted him gone.