
Glenn Beck: Materialist, Sodomy Supporter

Wayne A. Schneider8/19/2010 6:54:15 am PDT

What these wingnuts fail to understand is that, as far as the Law is concerned, it makes no difference whatsoever what The Bible says. And they can’t seem to get that out of their heads. Legally speaking, The Bible is meaningless! And just because “the family is the building block of a society” (and that’s subject to argument, but forget that for now), no one is outlawing the family! And while smarter men may “have explained how you simply can’t have freedom and self-governance without it” (the logic escapes me), he is not, apparently, one of these “smarter men”, since he is unable to explain it. Which makes me think that maybe the explanation is weak and unconvincing. Is he trying to argue that because I have no children (and, therefore, not a “family” in the “traditional” sense), that I can’t be free? And WTF does “self-governance” have to do with families? IMHO, this is all coming from a fear that someone will force this guy to marry a gay man and get his ass fucked every day. Even worse, I think his real fear is that he won’t hate it.