
Live Video: Geert Wilders - Update: 'In the Name of Freedom, No Mosque Here!'

SanFranciscoZionist9/11/2010 1:58:29 pm PDT

My MIL2 is now in hospice care. They were sloppy with making sure she got her pain meds, and she fell out of bed and gashed her forehead trying to get the pain pills on her own.

MIL1 apparently ripped the doctor in charge a new one, then went up one side and down the other, just to be sure. MIL2’s new doctor is the head of the hospice program.

GMIL, who was there for the ripping, is mortified, and says she’s still got to live in this town, but given the armed stand-off between her husband and most of the neighbors, I’d say she can stand for the hospice people to think her daughter is a bit of a bitch.