
Chris Matthews: Glenn Beck, the John Birch Society, and Fox News

rwmofo2/07/2011 7:49:26 pm PST

re: #161 HappyWarrior

I know you did. I am just saying that the anti illegal immigration political movement has a lot of problems. My other problem is that they think that we could and should deport every single illegal without taking any account of the finanical cost.

There are definitely those who shoot off their mouth without considering the consequences and this is clearly an untenable undertaking. Like I said above, “Is this an easy problem to sort out? No.” How do we address it? Hopefully there will be a bi-partisan approach in the future. One thing is certain. People in other countries are not going to stop wanting to come here. Sidebar: I work for a Chinese company. Trust me. The ones who are here LOVE IT.