
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

palomino7/12/2012 9:02:40 pm PDT

re: #178 What, me worry?

Maybe character assassination isn’t completely accurate, but if he was the CEO after 99, he did lie, or didn’t tell the whole truth as to mislead, so what does one call that?

I still say the better tactic is to promote what effects people directly.

At worst, it would be perjury. At best, just phoniness.

Either way, it’s potentially injurious to Romney and thus Obama will use it.

I agree it’s not the highest road to take, nor the most substantively important. The other issues you mention trump this one easily. But I think the Obama campaign can balance the attacks on Romney and still articulate a sound policy vision that affects many millions of voters.