
New Mexico State Supreme Court Rules Same-Sex Marriage Legal

Backwoods Sleuth12/19/2013 1:22:26 pm PST

re: #180 Lidane

I never could with her. The moment that McCain selected her I was done.

The Republicans thought they could cynically attract disgruntled Hillary voters by nominating anyone with two X chromosomes as their VP. They think of women as some sort of mindless hive vagina that will fall in lockstep, and that a cheap ploy would win them the White House.

They never stopped to consider her qualifications when stacked up against Hillary. If women are going to vote for the first woman VP to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, it’s damn sure going to be someone smarter than Sarah Palin.

But she had a vagina and that’s all they cared about because ya know, we wimmins vote with our vaginas.
or something…