
Ferguson Protesters Met With Hecklers, Confederate Flag in Rural Missouri

Romantic Heretic12/04/2014 11:41:52 am PST

re: #63 The Vicious Fergushka

The Worst Christmas Song I Have Heard This Year:

A “slow ballad” styling of “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”
AAAAyyyyeeee saaaawwwww Moooommmmmyyyy kiiiiiissssiiiinngg Saaaaaaaaannnnnnta Claaaauuuuuus

I was in the checkout line at the supermarket and I rolled my eyes and said to the cashier “Just shoot me now!”

And the old lady in line behind me was like “You heathen! You must be Muslim!”

Do you shop at the same place I do? Because they played that one and I came very close to being a newspaper headline.

And some people wonder why I’m so misanthropic and agoraphobic.