
GOP Debate Thread 3: Trump to Hugh Hewitt: "Very Few People Listen to Your Radio Show"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs2/26/2016 7:50:46 am PST

re: #165 HappyWarrior

Some of them admitted it but I admit I didn’t read much. I think the best thing the author did was to show that Wall Street donated to her opponents throughout. I know what you mean though. I find alot of my friends on Facebook unbearable because they’re obnoxious as hell about it and it’s going to get even worse I think once Hillary wins those primaries on Tuesday.

I read a lot these days but I am so checked out. The Republicans are nuts…like literally, terrifyingly crazy. The purity tests on the left is too close to tea partish behavior I. Just. Can’t.

And, pretty soon, we won’t be able to turn on any television show without being completely inundated with hate and negativity at every turn.

And we have how much longer to have to deal with this crap?