
Congressional Black Caucus "Vehemently Opposes" Sanders' Reform Demands

ObserverArt6/20/2016 2:41:51 pm PDT

re: #172 Nyet

The US doesn’t deserve Trump.
The world doesn’t deserve Trump.
GOP does deserve Trump.

Sorry, it’s true.

I still say the problems we are seeing in our system are still reflective of the overall problems with politics in this country. Yes, we are representative government. So many crazy people they would actually pay attention to a Trump. So many crazy people Trump used them to get to the nomination.

It’s not as if Trump just popped up and didn’t get voted into this mess.

We need to fix our voting public. That is going to need better education, a real investigative media practicing real journalism and both parties actually looking to help this country instead of one feeding the crazy that has come to bite it in the ass.

So yeah, the Republicans brought this shit on themselves. They made Trump and they need to know why and suffer the consequences so they actually learn something from it.