
Another Great Take From Seth Meyers: Republicans Think Trump Is Unstable, Trump Attacks Press Freedom

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/12/2017 8:34:33 am PDT

re: #178 Citizen K

Like I said, it’s amazing how not new this is. How America always seems to react to some reversion to the mean after every big stride made by PoCs. Emancipation, you get Jim Crow. Black Wall Street gets the Tulsa “Race Riots”. Civil Rights Movements gets the assassinations of MLK, Malcom X, redlining, busing riots. Affirmative Action gets you three strike laws and the War on Drugs. The first black president gets immediately replaced by the Nazi’s and KKK’s favorite President who has made it his life’s work to undo every single fucking thing Obama had his name on, as well as scale back every single fucking bit of good that PoCs could maybe see in this country before. Black Lives Matter gets “All Lives Matter”, “Blue Lives Matter” and the continued unchecked treatment of communities like fiefdoms by PDs, further enabled by Sessions Department of Just Us.

This is America, where every strive for equality is consistently met with an opposite backlash and backfire to ensure any gains you get are minimal at best, to remind you this is A Country For White Men, and White Men Alone.

Yep and as a white man it just saddens me. I really do believe this land is a land for all regardless of our racial, ethno, or religious backgorund.