
MTG and House Republicans Humiliated as Mayorkas Impeachment Crashes and Burns: A Closer Look

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)2/08/2024 8:01:20 am PST

re: #167 jeffreyw

We were just getting ready for bed last night, Mrs J let the boy dog out for a last pee when two Great Pyrenees dogs wandered into the yard. Gabe lost his mind, of course. They seemed friendly; no collars. We haven’t seen them before but they have to belong to a fairly close neighbor. The coats were fluffy white with no sign of briars or dirt. A little excitement last thing in the evening before settling in for the night.

People should not be letting their dogs be roaming around loose like that. Dogs will act like dogs, and even with direct human supervision can decide they are going to do something otherwise unexpected.

My brother had repeated incidents with a neighbor’s dog coming up the road and decimating his chicken flock. My brother was not angry at the dog, since it was being a dog. He was angry at the owner for not having the dog properly restrained and also flaunting/dodging multiple orders from a local magistrate to do so. Though I suspect that his patience with the situation was near its end and the next time the dog appeared on his property was going to be its last.