
Gaza Video Supplier Responds

yma o hyd1/11/2009 10:55:05 am PST

Here’s another fine weaselly paragraph from thet e-mail:

‘For example, WNF is investigating whether unmanned drones have cameras which produce only fuzzy pictures and therefore cannot or did not distinguish whether figures moving on a roof are fighter or just kids. That may well be the case. WNF is proud to be a very independent producer of news and current affairs from ALL sides of a conflict. Presently I am in Israel filming with the Israeli medical teams who go to the sites of rocket attacks, for example.’

A ‘very independent’ producer?
So one can be semi-independent? Or dependent?
Use of superfluous adjectives always is detrimental to what one wants to convey …(might ahve said something stronger, but I’ll refrain …!)

The other interesting points are his hints that the IDF may have pictures of this, fuzzy or not, which he imlies ought to be released.
Heh - was it really the IDF who killed those lads, or more hamas?

And see his last point - filming with Israeli medical teams going to sites of rocket attacks.
Where are those videos then? Its not as if there haven’t been any such attcks recently … and funnily enough, the Israeli TV channels do quite a good job putting these on youtube already - not that any MFM is using that footage …

False excuses - which have nothing to do with the subject at hand, and are used to obfuscate the issue.