
Uncle Jimbo Jumps the Conclusion

ciaospirit3/05/2009 6:27:44 pm PST

re: #67 zombie


In fact, the very day after my post was published (i.e. today), 10,000 people marched in SF against Christians funding Proposition 8. As they marched, they passed bus after bus plastered with ads made by people who would not only ban gay marriage, they’d ban gayness entirely.

And nobody said a word.

Much like NOW, and other women’s groups who turn a blind eye to this. No pun intended. This women also suffered disfigurement because the acid was thrown into her face.

Late last year an Iranian court ruled that the man — identified only as Majid — who blinded 30-year-old Ameneh Bahrami in 2004 after she spurned him, should also be blinded with acid based on the Islamic law system of “qisas,” or eye-for-an-eye retribution, according to Iranian newspaper reports from November.

But Bahrami, who moved to Spain after the attack to get medical treatment, said Wednesday that under Iranian law, she is entitled to blind him in only one eye, unless she pays 20,000 euro ($25,110), because in Iran women are not considered equal to men.

They have told us that my two eyes are equal to one of his because in my country each man is worth two women. They are not the same,” she told Cadena SER radio.

Meanwhile Hillary Clinton is begging these backward morons for help. To make sure that women in Afghanistan can be worth about half, no doubt.

US to invite Iran to conference on Afghanistan

BRUSSELS – In a sign of the new emphasis on diplomacy, the Obama administration said Thursday that Iran would be invited to a high-level conference on Afghanistan’s future.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton proposed the session, which could be held at the end of this month