
Video: UN Stunned by British Colonel's Speech

Tom on the rez10/20/2009 6:00:17 pm PDT


Yes I might need help with the math of the secondary analysis. And I’d love to have someone like you, or a climate scientist, go over it with me after I’ve done the primary analysis of the data. I’d appreciate your help in finding it - 25 years of original weather station temps (with provenance) that everyone you point us to seems to be relying upon.

If I could see it, with some assurance it hadn’t been “massaged,” I would be at the point where I was ready to follow where you want to lead. You obviously want to educate, but a student has to be able to understand the language of the teacher. Until we agree on the concrete, you cannot lift me into the abstract. Show me the files where these original numbers live, and I’ll be able to see how temps are rising, and how they are distributed.

(Possibly) unlike others on this site, I appreciate your patience and the links you provide. I’m not trying to be obtuse, but I’m a long time reader of Skeptical Inquirer and habits become ingrained.