
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Walter L. Newton10/20/2009 6:58:04 pm PDT

re: #171 LudwigVanQuixote

Yeah sure, but when the denier came over here and was calling actual scientific posts names and floating and acting like a pig that was OK?

Look, this guy is a fraud.

I hate frauds.

This guys is full of crap about the science.

I hate that too.

You can hate me. I really don’t care, but he has actually been debunked if you look at what was written.

Or the links.

Or any of the other things. Notice how he left when the peer reviewed papers came out? He’s a fraud, and I am so disappointed that you guys have feel for it. I had honestly thought yuo guys were smarter than that.

No Ludwig, I don’t care what he wrote, I don’t care if he lied, I don’t care a twit about him, my comment was to you, and my suggestion is that you listen to what I am saying about you, and focus on you and I.

Honestly, you display absolutely zero professionalism in your manner and approach to debating a issue. You would make Newton and Liebniz ashamed, and they were master debaters and so very capable of making stating their science without taking it to the level of malice.

Pay close attention, you show malice toward you fellow man, you actually have a hate, a hatred of anyone who doesn’t see things the way you do, doesn’t parrot back the science the way you do or value the same things you do.

I will actually suggest that you go back to Talmud, go back to the writing of the Rebbe’s, look over the commentaries and learn something about wisdom.

I wish only good for you, but you have to start finding a little love for those who don’t see things the way you do. Otherwise, you are going to grow up to be a very lonely old man.