
Charles Krauthammer Joins Everyone Else on the Right

darthstar8/13/2010 12:43:08 pm PDT

re: #169 calochortus

I keep trying to think of something to say about all this-but in fact it just makes me sad. Demagogues throwing minorities under the bus. People turning on others to deny them the rights they they demand for themselves, as though it was a zero sum game. Its just so unnecessary. All that energy could go to something positive instead.

It’s an election year, we have a minority president, and the birther/seekrit mooslim argument has been losing its effectiveness. So demagoguery is really all they have left.

The good news, however, is that the GOP and people like Krauthammer are once again shooting their load too early, and this story is going to peter out faster than Lindsey Lohan’s jail sentence. In 80 days people are just going to be upset with the GOP for insulting their intelligence as they have.