
'Revolution Muslim' Founder Changes Tune

Usually refered to as anyways12/09/2010 3:23:14 pm PST

re: #180 Gus 802

Something like that. They blocked his appearances and laughed at him during the debate. He’s gone from GOP pariah to GOP standard bearer (although to a limited degree) in less than 4 years. The GOP of course is holding him up now for their newly minted Tea Party base.

Forgive my ignorance, but I’m presuming he has ‘views’ that offend the left as he’s not a Democrat, but what I heard then wouldn’t that be the view of a lot on the left?

Talk about the crazy uncle…
To clarify that last remark, I think its crazy as hes an elected Republican.
If he was a Democrat, that speech would not have shocked me.

I need to go read more about his beliefs.
Up is Down, on is off, night is day, left is right, what a crazy world we live in.