
Gingrich Executes Stunning Backflip

Walter L. Newton3/23/2011 3:26:15 pm PDT

The real issue here is if the whole coalition and it’s mission is having much effect on the situation.

Despite coalition airstrikes, troops loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi continued to terrorize residents of the besieged rebel-held city of Misrata on Wednesday

The coalition military operation against Moammar Gadhafi has made good progress toward its goals of destroying the Libyan dictator’s air defenses and establishing a no-fly zone over the country. But that, it seems, was the easy part. Far more difficult are the questions of who should now lead the mission and what the operation’s ultimate objectives should be.

Maybe I’m missing something, but it appears to me that this is turning into a cluster fuck of premature ejaculators… who may have damaged Mo’s ability to fly jets and drop bombs, but have to pull out soon and leave a bloody ground war behind.