
The Right Wing's Phony Freak-Out Over Joe Biden's 'Chains' Remark

jaunte8/16/2012 1:10:55 pm PDT

re: #177 Gus

With friends like Donald, who needs enemies?

In Iowa, trouble in the wind for Mitt Romney

Romney recently upset many conservatives here by saying he would end a government tax credit that helps subsidize a burgeoning wind industry in the state. Some of them — farmers who earn tens of thousands of dollars a year for having wind turbines on their property — say they won’t vote for Romney because of his wind position. Others, including Rob Hach, a lifelong Republican who owns a wind-energy business, even say they’ll now vote for President Obama.

“It’s critical for the economy,” said Hach, whose company, Anemometry, moved into a shuttered furniture store in rural Alta and then expanded to an abandoned lumberyard. “Right now, the Midwest is experiencing an intense drought, and the wind turbines are producing revenue for farmers, while the crops are not.”