
Breaking: Shooting at Lone Star College in Texas

Targetpractice1/22/2013 12:29:06 pm PST

re: #179 Our Precious Bodily Fluids

Of course they do. School administrations deliberately choose ridiculous “zero-tolerance” policies precisely so that they won’t have to take responsibility for using their own judgment. Then it escalates to the point where they’re getting law enforcement involved for things like dress code violations and 5 year olds talking about Hello Kitty bubble guns. Once this mentality mixes with NRA-sanctioned armed guards on high school campuses, it’ll eventually come to pass that a fist fight will be answered with gunfire from a school employee, and then the usual gang of idiots will say two things:

1. ‘Nobody could have foreseen this’, and
2. ‘Well they wouldn’t have been shot by the principal if they hadn’t been doing anything wrong!’

Fine, then pass laws to absolve them of liability when they use their judgment and it leads to a shooting anyway. You want them to use their “judgment,” knowing that if they make a bad call, the lawyers will be suing their asses for millions.