
Overnight Video: Johann Johannsson - Here They Used to Build Ships

darthstar2/07/2013 8:19:27 am PST

re: #172 stabby

I think I found a way to lose a little weight.

The flu this year is horrible. I had it 2 weeks ago and I still have trouble digesting.

I’ve gone down one belt hole size.

I’m down 12 lbs since I got laid off Dec 4th. First job interview went really well and I thought I had it, but they called last Friday to say they went with another candidate and it’s back to the drawing board. I did have another phone screen this week and according to the recruiter I should have a face to face next week. Cool company. I’ll share details if it moves forward.

But back to the weight thing…cut one drink a night out and have been exercising pretty much every day. Feels really good and I’m hoping to drop another 10lbs before the end of spring.