
Desperately Thrashing Breitbrats Misrepresent Boston Herald Anti-Hagel Op-Ed

Kragar2/26/2013 1:39:00 pm PST

Oh good fucking lord, I can’t wait till this bullshit comes over here:

Swiss anti-choice activists seek to ban abortions for ‘economic’ reasons

Swiss pro-lifers launched an initiative Tuesday to ban abortions in the country for economic reasons, saying the practice costs hundreds of billions in lost tax revenues.

The “Protect life to remedy the loss of billions” initiative was launched by an independent group which needs to gather more than 100,000 signatures by August 2014 for the issue to be put to a referendum.

It charges that Switzerland’s about 11,000 abortions each year deprive the country’s economy of hundreds of billions in lost income taxes and consumption.

“Each unconceived and unborn child will never be able to contribute a single franc to our national income, will never become a consumer, will never be able to contribute to our social institutions,” it says on its website.