
Why Did the Military Tell a Special Forces Team Not to Fly to Benghazi? (For Good Reasons)

TedStriker5/07/2013 2:53:53 pm PDT


Victoria Jackson, she who is formerly of SNL and is now full of RWNJ derp, has decided to put down roots here in the metropolitan Nashville area, because her daughter is a student at Trevecca University (and where she recently spoke at). In the Tennessean article about her move here, they quoted an entry she made on her Facebook page, which just gives me the creeps:

”I disappeared for awhile because my family just moved to TN!! I love it so much! Smack dab in the buckle of the Bible belt. I’m gonna fight the Murfreesboro Mosque and Agenda 21 because I love this land, God’s country. One of my neighbors keeps his horse in his front yard! I love that! I saw a cardinal, a bunny, a bird’s nest and a calf in the middle of the highway. I’m in heaven!”

Image: double_facepalm.jpg